AKA Julie Campbell – artist / producer / musician
Flowing roughly in chronological order, most of these are from my childhood and early teens, with the last 3 from my mid-twenties-ish..
The Bagpuss theme fills me with an inexplicable melancholy and longing; I don’t know if I even watched it as a kid but it seems to symbolise a sweet, playful, and lost world. I definately remember hanging out on the streets of Audenshaw, rapping (!) with my friends along to ‘3Ft High and Rising’, which we all loved. A little later, as obnoxious teens, we’d walk along the canal to school belting out ‘Ride On Time’, the Loleatta Holloway-sampled house classic in the charts at the time. The early albums of REM had a huge and lasting impact on me, for their urgency and cryptic artiness, and later, Gang Of Four and Joy Division in particular came to describe and inhabit so absolutely the hard surfaces, angsty energy and post-industrial ruinscape of the Manchester city centre towerblock, and surrounding areas in which I have lived in for so long.
Sesame Street Pinball 1,2,3,4,5 Song (Not available on Spotify)
Bagpuss Theme (Not available on Spotify)
De La Soul – Say No Go (Original not on Spotify)
Black Box – Ride On Time
Leonard Cohen – Famous Blue Raincoat
REM – Harborcoat
Elgar Cello Concerto in E minor – Elgar Cello / Jaqueline Du Pre
Gang Of Four – Return The Gift
Joy Division – Transmission
Phillip Glass – Koyaanisqatsi
Daniel Avery – Free Floating